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LEAF Announces $23,463 in Spring 2014 Grants

November 11, 2014

The District 742 Local Education & Activities Foundation announced the awarding of $23,463 during its spring Academic and Activities Funds granting cycle.  Each year, LEAF awards supplemental funding to academic, activities, arts and athletic programming.  Teachers, coaches and advisers submit grant applications for special projects twice during the academic year.  Grants awarded this spring included funds for diverse projects including:

Activities Fund Grants
$1,775 Tech High School Athletics Legacy Grant
$1,556 Tech High School Football Legacy Grant
$800 South Junior High Drama Program speaker/wireless mic
$750 ALC Veteran’s Service Project
$1,000  ALC MAAP Stars Conference & Legislative Day Transportation & Registration
$650 Roosevelt/District-wide assistance and participation fees for homeless and economically disadvantaged students.
$400 North Art afterschool program electronic tablets
$500 Tech Yearbook Chrome book & program supplies
$252 Apollo golf shirts
$1,500 Apollo/Tech Robotics Program assistance
$800 Tech jump Boxes for Weight room and gym
$1,000 Tech MSHSL mandated soccer uniforms
$1,000 Tech Speech Program supplies & expenses
$1,000 Tech softball pitching machine & catcher’s gear

Academic Fund Grants
$400 Discovery Rigby level B,C, and D Kindergarten Books
$250 Discovery Visual & Verbalizing for Language Comprehension and Thinking Program.
$700 South Junior High Fitness Center Learning Tools/Cardio equipment
$1,250 Oak Hill Leveled Literacy Intervention support
$1,000 Apollo technology device carts with chrome books and iPad minis
$300 Westwood Grade 2 Ready to Go nonfiction Books
$300 Lincoln library graphic novels
$555 Lincoln Chrome Books for student use
$1,000 Talahi Summer Roll & Read Program
$1,500 Madison Mobile Devices for school and after-school use
$1,375 Talahi Special Education Leveled Literacy Interventions
$250 Lincoln 21st Century Listening Center
$450 Madison Classroom VIP program
$200 Roosevelt Preschool sitting mats

Contingency Grants
$500 Tech/District-Wide WeAct program Youth Summit
$500 Tech/District-Wide Civic Engagement Conference