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LEAF Receives $29,414 Otto Bremer Grant

January 21, 2015

The District 742 Local Education & Activities Foundation announced that it has received a $29,414 grant from the Otto Bremer Foundation for the purpose of supporting the District 742 Partners And Kids Reading A lot Together (PAKRAT) program. PAKRAT is a preschool through grade 3 child literacy and parent involvement program. This grant will allow the PAKRAT program to continue in during the 2014-15 school year in 9 District 742 elementary schools.

LEAF has supported the PAKRAT program through outside grants and direct funding from the LEAF endowment for the past three years. With LEAF’s assistance, the PAKRAT program has been expanded to include all District 742 students in grades preschool through third grade.

As a result of the Otto Bremer Foundation grant, additional books will be purchased for each building PAKRAT library and needed supplies will be acquired. Also, the PAKRAT program will be expanded to the three St. Cloud Boys and Girls Club locations. Finally, funds will be available to run the summer Roll & Read Program for the Talahi attendance area. The Read & Roll program delivers books to several locations in the Talahi attendance area and will be available for students attending any District 742 elementary school.