Report to the Community and Awards Reception

The 2023 Annual Meeting was held at the Country Club on Monday, February, 13. LEAF welcomed the largest audience ever, reported on happenings during 2022, and presented awards to several individuals, businesses and organizations for their contributions to LEAF and education in District 742. Following are the 2023 Awardees:
The District 742 Local Education & Activities Foundation (LEAF) recently recognized and thanked community supporters at the annual LEAF Community Report and Awards Reception via Zoom on Monday, February 28, 2022. Awards were presented for lifetime service, volunteerism, charitable donations, and instructional excellence.
The following individuals were recognized:
Volunteer Service Award for significant and ongoing volunteer involvement with LEAF.
- Shelley Rolfes
- Laura Pfannenstein
Charitable Giving Award for significant financial or in-kind contributions to LEAF.
Business/Organization Category:
- John McDowall – McDowall Construction Company
- St. Cloud Golden Gloves Boxing Association, Inc
Individual Donor Category
- Don Helgeson & Sue Shepard
- Ed & Mary Schnettler Family
Instructional Excellence Award in recognition of educational excellence and accomplishment.
- Ryan Cox, Director of Innovation & Instructional Technology
Coaching Excellence Award in recognition of demonstrated excellence in helping students excel through activities
- Mike Trewick, Apollo High School
- Jeff Wucherer, South Junior High School
Lifetime Service Award for significant and ongoing service to and support of the LEAF Mission.
- Peggy Carlson