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AMSD Recognizes PAKRAT

November 1, 2016

The Association of Metropolitan School Districts (AMSD) recogizes LEAF’s PAKRAT program.
PAKRAT and PAKRAT Roll & Read A St. Cloud District 742 Success Story.

PAKRAT BooksSince 2011, the Local Education & Activities Foundation (LEAF) has been supporting the Partners And Kids Reading A-lot Together (PAKRAT) program in partnership with the elementary schools in St. Cloud School District 742. PAKRAT provides books to all preschool through grade 3 students in District 742. PAKRAT has been funded with LEAF grants, as well as generous grants given to LEAF from the Bernick’s Foundation, the Morgan Family Foundation and the Otto Bremer Foundation.

As part of the program, students take a book home to read with their parent/partner each evening and then return the book, along with a brief worksheet about the book to their classroom teacher the next day. Several schools hold “PAKRAT Parades” at the end of each reading cycle to celebrate the students/classrooms that read the most books.

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