District 742 “Welcome Back Staff”

Along with a large number of area businesses and organizations, LEAF had a table at the District 742 Welcome Back Staff event at Tech High School this morning. LEAF offered prizes for staff who stopped by and filled out a card. Hundreds of staff took advantage of the opportunity to stop by, chat with LEAF board members, and register for a Scheels Gift Card, 4-$250 Adopt-a-Classroom grants from LEAF, or tickets to the October 16 LEAF Learning Renaissance. LEAF board members who participated were (from left to right), Lori Johnson, Bruce Mohs, Peggy Carlson, Brianna Inkster, and Bruce Hentges (executive director). The two other pictures show staff filling out the registration form to be entered in the LEAF drawing. It was a glorious morning and a fun time to meet and interact with district staff!