2021 LEAF Adopt a Classroom Gifts Reach $38,000!

Because of amazing support from the St. Cloud Community, the 2021 LEAF Adopt a Classroom project has reached the $38,000 level for the first time since the program began in 2011! A total of 152 classrooms have been adopted as of November 10!
Pictured is Sue Williams from the Delta Kappa Gamma Society presents a $750 check to LEAF’s executive director, Bruce Hentges, on Wednesday, November 10. Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional & personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. DKG was founded in 1929 and has chapters in all 50 states, Europe & Japan. DKG endows scholarships to aid outstanding educators, support local educators in the classroom and works to impact education world-wide. Many local chapter members are current or former employees of District 742.
LEAF says “THANKS” to Delta Kappa Gamma – and to the many members of the St. Cloud community who have supported the work of our teachers with a gift of $250 or more for the Adopt A Classroom project this fall! Since 2011 $247,691 has been raised and 990 classrooms adopted through the LEAF Adopt A Classroom Project!