Lü Interactive Playground
Madison Elementary is looking to add innovation to their physical education learning experience through the addition of the LU Interactive Playground. The Lu is an interactive projection and computer system that uses different games and activities to allow students to immerse themselves in the physical activity while making it fun and educational. The Lu is cross curricular with activities that focus on all academic and physical education content areas. The Lu will also help incorporate social emotional learning and mindfulness strategies in ways that were not possible before with our students. The Lu will be used in physical education classes as well as with individual classroom learning opportunities. This will give our students the chance for increased physical activity times throughout the year. Please consider helping our Madison kids become healthier, smarter, happier students, by donating toward the Lu Interactive Playground project!
Lu Projector for Madison Elementary School
Learn how the Lu Projector can change the way curriculum in physical education can be learned and taught!
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